Friday, October 24, 2014

C4K Summary Week 10

      These past 4 kid blogs I have had the pleasure of reading have somewhat amazed me. Wow! Kids are really smart and teachers have opened their eyes to real life problems in the world today. They all have really bad grammar problems but they are such a joy to read. It helps me remember what I was like at that age.
       The first young lady I had the opportunity to read wrote a short paragraph about how we should help feed the homeless and take care of them. How thoughtful! Here we have a young soul caring about others and the world around her. I encouraged this student and offered advice for looking into different organizations that help the homeless. I also warned her to always have an adult present.
      The second student I was able to address was a young Mr. Zane. It appears as though Zane's teacher had presented the class with a driving question: Should kids lose recess when they are getting punished in schools? Zane said no because recess is where students get all of their hyper tendencies out in order to relax when in class. If you take that away than the student will just misbehave more in class because they have so much energy. This sounds like he really gave the question some thought and I informed him that I agree with him. There are other ways in punishing a child then making them sit inside. There's detention, writing lines, and many other things than taking his physical activity away.
      The third student was particularly interesting to me. Patrick was (I'm assuming) assigned to write creatively. It wasn't really clear on the post just what his point was or what he was trying to get across. One thing I know though is that he was really into it. The story had something to do with crystal flowers. I encouraged him to keep writing creatively and to continue his story because his readers would love to learn more about it. I hope this inspired him to keep writing.
      The last student I read this month was a girl named Shavanah. Shavanah composed a list of things a person needs to do when trying to protect themselves from the sun. She informed her readers that exposure to the sun can cause cancer and we should take steps to avoid it as much as possible: wear shades, use sunblock, and wear clothes. I told her that it was always very important to be aware of the sun and the harm it can do to our bodies. It was a great post. They all were!

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